well..i feel so, so, SOOO drained right now..all thanks to my paper like what? yesterday?! well, stupiak paper la..careless mistakes, instances where i leave the exam-room saying, "OH YA HOR?!!"...wtf!!
since im chilling in front of the comp now..and im all *ready* to blog on "something"..like as if it seems i NEED something to be up in my page..but..
..i have no idea what to put up there..i have done nothing the last few days except study like lifeless-fanatics..aizz..sometimes i wonder what the hell am i doing now..studying and stuff..
oh well, perhaps i should just call it a day..oh! saw few pics that may seem interesting enough for some of you peeps out there..

bobbyhoo..signing.. .. .. .. ..
LOLLLL..i like the backward b called d..LOLLLL
i was bored yat..u knw la, after dta comm..theres oni "this" much u can do..still wryin over my f*cked up instrumentation..aizz..oh i hope dat friendship pic doesnt happen to u..LOL!!
LoL...tetiba my name came out in the picture...i like the friendship ones..cool..hahhaha..why not find a day we take the same friendship picture.hahahh
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